Prices listed are estimated base prices, add-ons will and other choice made by the buyer will affect the final cost Minor changes can be made to the designs.
Hyena premade
Head only: $1200
Partial: $1600
Plantigrade Fullsuit: $2400
Digitigrade Fullsuit: $2800
Coyote Premade
Head only: $1250
Partial: $1650
Plantigrade Fullsuit: $2400
Digitigrade Fullsuit: $2800
Dutchie Premade
Head only: $1200
Partial: $1600 *head, paws, tail, small wings*
Partial w/ large wings: $1800
Plantigrade Fullsuit: $2300
Digitigrade Fullsuit: $2600
Desired Wing size and Tail length will affect final cost.
Manokit Premade
Head only: $1200
Partial: $1700
Plantigrade Fullsuit: $2500
Digitigrade Fullsuit: $3000
Cabbit Premade
Head will be built on fuzzbuttfursuit base with moving jaw Head only : $1200